Saturday, January 2, 2016

Bout of Books 15 Committment

Bout of Books

I am going to start this year off right!  Now that I am *MOSTLY* recouperated from the Holiday chaos, it is time to tear into my reading pile with a vengeance!  And what better way to do so than a readathon, starting in just 2 days! 

The Goal:  1500 pages. 
This can be from any kind of book.  Novel, nonfic, graphic novel or childrens.  But at least that many pages in the week. 

Here are a few books I hope to  make progres in (although the first 2 I have started so IF I finish one before this starts it won't be here...
Blood of My Blood (Jasper Dent, #3)This Shattered World (Starbound, #2)Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle, #1)Only You, Sierra (Sierra Jensen, #1)


  1. Go you! I am still waffling on whether I'm going to try to join in this time. I've had a cold, so I'm tempted to take a few days off work to read, but maybe also sleep, haha. Good luck!

    1. Mix it up :) Well, no matter what, I hope you feel better soon! And thanks for the luck!

  2. Oh I hope you enjoy Blood of My Blood. That entire series was fantastic! Good luck meeting your Bout of Books goals!

    1. So far I am enjoying. Loved the first two books!


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