

My goal for this blog is to reach out to fellow readers and share in a love of books. I want to introduce books and authors to my fellow readers. Show off books I love, discover new books to read or just to chat about our favorite book characters.

2016 changes- I am looking at throwing in other stuff from time to time.  Maybe talk movies, tv shows, video games or just good ol' life. 

As for me, I am an avid book reader.  I read a very large variety of books as can be seen on Goodreads.  Mostly YA, fantasy, manga, Sci-fi, Suspense/Horror, etc.  I am constantly getting myself caught up in reading challenges and group reads on the site.

I am also a volunteer for my local library, specializing in the young adult department and summer reading programs.  I love helping people with  reading books, since I wish to help promote reading.

I am in my early 30s, have 2 cats, an 80 lb lab mix who thinks he is a lap dog (UGH!), and a great man at my side.  I have a personal library I am still trying to catalog on Goodreads.  Over 6000 books in total (including ebooks), most of which I still look forward to reading as I pass along a lot of books through swaps, or give them away to fellow readers.

Other interests include anything related to animals.I love to go camping and be up in the mountains.  Being I live in a city, I tend to lock myself up in my house and read, watch something or play a game.  I am a geek of all trades with way too many directiosn that goes. Strong emphasis on anything fantasy.  Form books, to RPGs, to movies and tv that is my strongest interest.  Lately I have also re-discovered the love of colored (thank you adult coloring books).

What I read:  Most anything and everything fiction. Mostly YA and adult.   To get a good idea check out my Goodreads profile or just browse this site.  

I  strive to review every book I read so reviews here are bothe author/publisher requested or books I otherwise got my hands on.  As to what I choose to read at a specific time, that is subjective to my mood and what else I have read lately.  

For more on what kinds of books I'm looking to review, see my review policy

 I am not very computer savvy so I have yet to figure out how to create many widgets, buttons, etc.  Also, in that regard, any help is appreciated or if you want a pet project to play with, hit me up!  My focus here is not the blog but the books and all things geek!

For blog/book related inquiries, you can reach me at darjlj75@gmail.com


Other places to find me and learn about my interests:



  1. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. :) I really appreciate it.

    New follower!
    Julie @ Books and Insomnia

  2. Hey jamie, i just saw your message on goodreads and decided to check it out! :) it's a really cool blog... i'm looking forward to seeing more stuff!
    Followed :)

    my new website is http://shelvingmyshelf.wordpress.com/ although it's got nothing right now, i hope you can check it out in a while! :)

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog :) Now following you back! And I'm SO jealous of the size of your library! I was really proud of my 250ish, but its nothing compared to yours! I definitely hope to get there someday :)


    1. Mine was a lot of luck and even more stubborness when people said I have too many books. Never! I tell them.

  4. It's nice to know that there are other book readers out there, sometimes my books are my escape.

    1. Luckily, there is still a decent community. It is just very select and widespread so it is hard to know where a fellow book lover might be lurking.

  5. Thanks for the offer, but I am happy keeping the giveaway I offer low key, more as a reward for my loyal followers and fellow booklovers.


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