Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Are you a Marathoner, Multibooker, Singler or what? How you read your books.

Everyone reads differently.  Some people create a reading list months in advance, others wing it book-by-book based on what catches their attention.  Some read just one book at a time, others can have a dozen books they are rotating through at the same time.  Some prefer series, others stand-alones.  While one person likes to marathon a series back-to-back, others need a breather.  One person may only read a short sprints, others curl up on a couch for hours....

For me I always have at least 2-3 active books that I read at any given time, plus I have a few backup on nonfiction books that I work on less regularly.  I  like both series and single titles but tend to gear more toward the series'.  I think that is because most books for my favorite genres tend to work that way.  I like to try to get in at least a good 20-30 minute session every day but some days I simply take what I can get and others I may get more.  While I rarely marathon a series I hate going very long between books.  Even a year is too long for me which is why many times I don't read a new book of a new series right away.  I like to be able to pick up the next book within a few days to couple months tops.  

What kind of reader are you?


  1. Wow, nice post!! These are the types of dialogues I like to have with other avid readers.

    I don't like planning my reading lists in advance. This is too rigid for me and besides I'm prone to change my reading whims based on what I'm interested in reading at the time or discover along the way.

    I do love reading books that are part of a series, but can't read them back to back for the most part... Although, I wish I would sometimes as that keeps the continuity for some series like The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon.

    I use to only read one or two books at a time, but for the past few years I find myself reading more than one book at a time... Some are fiction, some are nonfiction, some are ebooks, while others are audiobooks or physical books. I'm currently juggling 6 books, which is the most I've tried to read at one time... Although, I am heavily focused on two of the six books in order to reduce the amount of books I am reading at one time.

  2. I'm all over the place. ;)

    In general, I like to read one book at a time. It gets difficult switching between worlds; I can't get absorbed like I want to. But sometimes, like right now, I'll have about three books going: my main read and a couple of really thick ones (like "A Game of Thrones" and a classic).

    I like series and stand-alones. I'm always happy when a book is a stand-alone because I have so many series going already. But I won't turn down a book just because it's part of a series.

  3. Sometimes I get tired of series when they are very long. I always feel bad to not finish a series, but there are so many other things calling for my attention that I will give up if it's not grabbing my attention any more. However, when I am into a series I enjoy reading back to back. The withdrawal at the end is terrible though!

  4. I read series and stand alone. I used to trade most of my unwanted books so I would read book one of a series. If I hate it, I trade it. If I liked it I'd buy the rest the series. But instead of just reading through a series I kept trying the 'book ones' to see what I could clear off my shelf. Good idea in theory but now when I want to return to these unfinished series, I'll need to reread book one to remind myself what happened before I continue!

    I do plan this summer to catch up on as many series as I can and I'm planning to do each as a series marathon. Whether it works out that way is another matter...!

  5. A reading list? Never did it. I only read 2 kinds of books: ones that look interesting in the library and ones that I read a good review on. I usually have 3 or 4 books going at one time. Series: yes; singles: yes. I love to read!

    slehan at juno dot com

  6. Great post!
    I never read multiple books at once. I prefer to read one book at a time and I like finishing series back to back. I also like reading books according to genre, like I usually start off with fantasy, then dystopia or post apocalyptic, then contemporary realistic fiction and finally a classic.

  7. I don't plan my reading ahead of time, other than trying to read review copies and such in a reasonable time. I mostly just pick up what interests me whenever I finish my most recent book. I love both series and stand-alones. I think I probably read series the most though and I'd love to marathon read a series if I can. I hate waiting for the next book to come out! It's torture and then I've forgotten important details. I definitely only read one book at a time though. I don't like having two books going unless one is an audio book. I can handle that.

    Vicarious Caytastrophe

  8. nice post, i read one book at a time i never tried to read more then one at the same time , i like to know what im reading next its like i have a list, i most read books that are known and popular,that are dystopian or post apocalyptic survival or fantasy, i also started to pick up books from the library to read which is good bc like that in a month i read more bc i kinda have a deadline..i like to read series one after another..unless the series are too big.. i like stand alones and series is the series are not tooo big... like game of thrones and outlander..i mostly read in school when i have a break or even during class if im bored or finished my work before others.. i also bring my book with me everywhere i go, i also read in the bus, and im starting to read at night before i go to bed..i have a rule in one day i need to read a minimum of 50 pages and i have to try and reach 100 pages bc like that if a book has 300 pages if i read 100 pages everyday i finish the book in 3 days .. :P my favorite genre of books to read its post apocalyptic survival, my least favorite which i never read is contempory/romance/erotica/classic

  9. Interesting discussion for a post! I generally read only one book at a time, but I often have several others lined up waiting to be read, either on my iPad or in a stack. I also tend towards series, but also I follow several authors and will read anything they write. I can read for hours at a time! I'm a very fast reader so I can zip through a paperback book in one evening.

  10. Im a fast reader. Like for example last week i read 4 full lenght books. Reading is my favorite thing to do so i can read multiple books and finish them pretty fast.

  11. I prefer to read one book at a time, but sometimes I'm reading one on my Kindle and one physical book. And I love to marathon, but I don't feel like I have time to do it any more because there's always a review book or two I need to throw in between the marathoning nowadays!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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