Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July 2015 New release Giveaway Hop



Any book published in July 2015 could be yours.  Well, any book up to $16 that is. You can get a print book from The Book Depository OR 1 ebook via Amazon or B&N.
Fiction, nonfiction, Y.A, Adult, childrens, graphic name it, you can pick it!  It is not limited to the image about although there are some great titles there!

Giveaway is International as long as The Book Depository can ship to you or you pick an ebook.   Up to $16 in value.

As a bonus- if this giveaway gets at least 3000 valid entry points (I will check before they can count), then I will have 2 WINNERS, and each winner will get a new release PLUS a second book of their choice (no release day requirement)s up to $14!  So be sure to enter as many ways and as often as you can to increase the winner and prize count!

Be sure to read my rules page for giveaway details!!!  Be sure answer all parts of the comment for your first entry to count!  For comments- be sure they are meaningful and complete!!



  1. I would choose Armada by Ernest Cline and I will be traveling to asia in the next few weeks.

  2. I would choose Paperweight by Meg Haston. As for something exciting, I hope I'll be reading some really great books, other than that I don't have anything special planned other than to enjoy the sunshine. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid. We're having a road trip to Iceland next month I'm so excited!

  4. I would love maybe a Ruin and Rule or Sinful Intent. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  5. I would love to get The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson! I'm planning to go wind surfing for my friend's birthday. Wish me luck! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  6. i think i would go for " Forsaken" by S. J. Harper i loved teh first book in this series
    something exciting i plan to do? ... my life is quite tame so really nothing fun or exciting in teh programm so far ( except perhaps the start of the crafting of teh christmas gift but teh beginning is rarely fun as i'm learning new technique, it's after that i can relax a little)
    thank you a lot for the giveaway

  7. I would most likely pick The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson, absolutely loved The Kiss of Deception.
    Don't have any fixed plans for the next few weeks, but there's definitely one road trip down the coast that I'm planning with my friends in the near future.
    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  8. I really want to read Pretending to Be Erica by Michelle Painchaud, sounds amazing!

  9. I would love to own Queen of Tomorrow or The Heart of Betrayal or Every Last Breath. Tough decision. I was supposed to be going on vacation starting tomorrow for 10 days but I have to stay behind and take care of my mom. She recently became to ill to stay home alone. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway.

  10. I might pick Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine! Planning to visit some pro tennis events in the next few weeks!

  11. I think I'm looking forward to Ink and Bone. We have relatives arriving at the end of the month for a visit.

  12. I think I'd pick Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine! And I'm not doing anything special in the next few weeks, just hanging out with friends and reading a lot :)

  13. The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson! I'm planning on relaxing all day next week and going to the beach (:

  14. The Bourbon Kings by J. R. Ward. Planning to visit Charleston SC soon.

  15. Tara Lain's KNAVE OF BROKEN HEARTS...I'm heading up to the Bay Area in a couple of weeks!


  16. Jesse's Girl by Miranda Kenneally! :D Thank you!

  17. Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I might choose the book Armada by Ernest Cline. The next few weeks I'm planning to visit as much family/cousins as I can and then staying in some resort with my family!

  18. Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I might choose the book Armada by Ernest Cline. The next few weeks I'm planning to visit as much family/cousins as I can and then staying in some resort with my family!

  19. I'd pick The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes if I won. Thanks for the opportunity :)

  20. I would like The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes! Well I'm going to an aquapark this weekend so that's pretty exciting for me yaay! Thank you dor the giveaway! :))

  21. I would like The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes! Well I'm going to an aquapark this weekend so that's pretty exciting for me yaay! Thank you dor the giveaway! :))

  22. I am going to the beach!! I would have to think hard about the book I want I have no idea yet!

  23. I think I'd choose Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine. I'm going to see my parents soon so pretty excited about that :D x

  24. I'd pick Dexter is Dead by Jeff Lindsay.

    I live in Florida, so for me it's all about reading on the beach!

  25. maybe Harper Lee's Go Set a Watchman

    go to the beach

  26. I think I would get The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson. Next week I am attending my cousin's wedding!

  27. Carolina M on rafflecopter
    I'd probably choose Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine! ;) And tomorrow I'm leaving for London to have some fun for a week!

  28. I'd choose Storm by Amanda Sun

  29. I'd pick Ink and Bone. It sounds fantastic! And in exactly two weeks I'll finally be going on vacation to the coast. I can't wait!

    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  30. Him by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy. And I have vacations planned.

  31. the heart of betrayal by mary e pearson!

  32. I'd choose Paperweight by Meg Haston.
    Party!!! hahaha
    Thanks for the giveaway =*

  33. I would choose Jesse's Girl by Miranda Kenneally. My husband and I are going on an Alaskan cruise in August, we are excited!

  34. I would definitely pick Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine. I have exams next week so I don't have anything major planned. Will probably have another food trip with my sister (anything with food involved is exciting) or go to a party if I'm feeling it :D

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Haraiah @ Random Things In Action

  35. I can't wait for Every Last Breath by JLArmentrout
    I don't really have anything exciting planned out but I'll be in Paris as of the second week of august so that's something

  36. I would choose Paperweights or Ink and Bone or Go set a watchmen :) Lots of exciting books!
    And no...any excitings plans for the next week...but hopefully I will do something funny in August :)

  37. I'm excited for Pretending to be Erica by Michelle Painchud. And the only plans I have for the next few weeks is to work which isn't very fun :\

  38. Pretending to be Erica by Michelle Painchud :)
    My plans for the next week is to paint sth

    grabs64 (At) gmail (dot) com

  39. I'd choose Ink and Bone! And I'm not doing anything exciting this summer.

  40. I'd choose Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. I will be going to the state fair next weekend.

  41. Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee.
    To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my favorites books :D

  42. I think I would pick Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. I've been super curious about it ever since they said they would be releasing it! Something fun we will be doing is back to school shopping. Might not be fun for the kids, but its fun for me :) (Andrea Amy)

  43. I think I would choose Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. Thanks for the chance! (Valentina B. -on the raffle)

  44. I would love to get Paperweight :) In a few days I'm going to go to an orientation for college! I'm starting in a few weeks. That's pretty exciting :)

  45. I would choose The Other Daughter by Lauren Willig. I'm going on vacation later this week.

  46. definitely Ink & Bone by Rachel Caine!

  47. I would probably choose Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine. In the next few weeks, I plan on spending time with my cousins. This is really exciting because I only see them once a year. :)

  48. I would choose The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson. I am going to a concert next weekend!

  49. Paperweight by Meg Haston. I'm going to just relax, do some gardening and read a lot!

  50. I think I would choose Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine. I'm excited to be going on a road trip to visit family this summer.

  51. Maybe Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine? I've got lots of new - to me - furniture to refinish. Not exactly fun but I'll be very happy when I'm done. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ann S

  52. I think I would pick Ink & Bone by Rachel Caine! I will be going to the beach the middle of August! :)

  53. Pretending to Be Erica by Michelle Painchaud ♥ My cousin and I are going into an anime convention next next week!! I bought my ticket ages ago :) :) :)

  54. I would pick Empress Game by Rhonda Mason. I don't have anything exciting planned for the next few weeks.

  55. November 9 by Colleen Hoover. Start making the decorations for myChristmas tree.

  56. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd pick Heart of Betrayal by Mary Pearson (though it's a tough one to decide!!!). Nothing exciting is happening for me - I'm back at university this week. Oh well!

  57. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd choose Heart of Betrayal by Mary Pearson. I'm going back to university, I guess that's exciting? :D

  58. I would choose Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine.

  59. I'm torn between Gena Showalter's The Hotter You Burn and Sophie Jordan's All the Ways to Ruin A Rogue, they're two of my faves!! We're in the midst of planning our big summer staff party! Prizes and fun galore!

  60. I'd love to win The Bourbon Kings!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  61. I'm dying to read All We Have Is Now by Lisa Schroeder! Though there's a ton of july releases I'm looking forward to. And pretty soon I may be going on a road trip with a few friends.

  62. Paperweight, and I'll be studying for my upcoming exams since college has begun for me! :D

  63. I think I would pick The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson. On Friday I am flying from Florida to New York to visit family. I have a cousin being born on Thursday, my Grandmother's 100th birthday party on Saturday, and then another cousin is being baptised on Sunday.

  64. I'd love All We Have is Now by Lisa Schroeder. And for the next couple of weeks I have a school festival to prep for!

  65. I think I would choose the next book in Susan Mallery's Fool's Gold series, Thrill Me. Can't wait for my next get together with some high school girlfriends later this month!

  66. I would pick The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson! And I'm looking forward to going off to Vet School in the next few weeks :-)
    Rafflecopter name: Megan S.

  67. Maybe Bourbon Kings by JD Ward. I know what I'm doing tomorrow, travelling!!!

  68. Some of the books I'm looking forward to are Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine,Rebel Mechanics by Shanna Swendson, Deceptive by Emily Lloyd-Jones and Flight From Death by Yasmine Galenorn. So far I don't have any plans, just studying and reading.

  69. Witch Wars by Sibeal Pounder would be my pick for my daughter!

  70. Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. The only thing I will be doing in the next few weeks is finishing up my internship at a local bakery.

  71. Manwhore+1 by Katy Evans. And well, I just got from vacation so I guess the fun is now over lol!


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