Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Task It Tuesday -Week 13 of 2016

 Task it Tuesday
Well this past week has been hectic.  And a bit messy.  We are in the middle or replacing out tub and shower unit.  I never knew it work make such a mess!  We had to tear out sheet-rock,  replace insulation, re-mat the flow and so much more.  We still have to install and plumb the actual pieces.  Then wall, paint and trim the walls!  Ugh!!  I have never seen my bathroom such a mess. And with me in a "spring cleaning" mode, it is driving me crazy!  

This and work have been my main focuses, so didn't get too much else done this week.  Although I was sidetracked by a new app I found to track the shows I watch (TV Show Time).  So I have been adding a bunch of past episodes/shows to that over the past 2 days.  My poor reading and blog especially are suffering right now.  While the real life tasks still take priority I will strive hard over the next couple weeks to get more posts up and work on blog related projects.  And read more!!

Understanding the color code used:
Red=Past Due by this date
Blue=What I have done since late week
Black=Not Due or New
*Fun Will never be red & new additions will be added in green.

Blogging or Book related (not reading)
  • Write/post 12 reviews (1 done)
  • 8 Discussion/other Post (meme styles don't count)
  • Finish getting Archive, Genres And Guest Interview pages up to date (progress on Archive/Genres.  Guest Posts/Interviews up to date)
  • Catalog 1044 books I own
  • Catch up on comment responses for 2016 (progress)
  • Responding to all comments made prior to 2016
  • clean up social media and other blogging follows and likes so I actually find the content for those I really have an true, regular interest in.
    1. Twitter
    2. Facebook
    3. Pinterest
    4. GFC
    5. Bloglovin
  • Organize Goodreads shelfs for TBR, owned books and kindle books
  • Organize Manga bookcases
  • Go through Netgalley/Edelweiss for new titles (Edelweiss done)
  • Write 2 reviews
  • STS post
  • Catalog 100 books
  • Update all challenges.  Submit as needed.
  • Go back and add links to all edelweiss reviews.


Mini Manga Review: Gangsta Vol 2 by Kohske

Gangsta., Vol. 2 by Kohske 

 Gangsta Volume 2
by Kohske

Genre(s) Manga, Graphic Novels
Pages: 210
Published: May 2014 (English Edition)
Publisher: Viz Media

Synopsis: The Handymen, Nic and Worick, ply their trade in Ergastulum, a city run by the Mafia and ruled by violence. Recruited into a battle with a gang, they find themselves up against one of the “Twilights,” mercenaries with superhuman abilities generated by dangerous drugs. Nic, who is also a Twilight, fights back with the same savagery and skill—until Worick has to step in to save him from himself. Partners and equals now, in the past they were anything but, yet both men are bound together by the chains of a tragic past as they face an uncertain future.

Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for mature audiences.

Review: We finally get a bit of world building in this volume. Not a lot, mind you. But some. We get a further look into our main characters, Nic and Worick . I liked getting a real look at what their life is like. There is still so much I don't have yet. But we get some interesting ground rules for the Twilights. Worick took on a bit more face time in this one which was nice as I didn't get much of a feel for him at all in the first volume.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Task It Tuesday- Week 12 of 2016

Task it Tuesday

I am still behind on my blogging but am trying to get caught up.  Major computer issues are not helping.  However, I changed my task up a bit there and did a heavy focus on visiting other blogs this past week.  Over 350 blog posts visited and commented on about 1/2 of them!  Mostly Top Ten Tuesday meme posts, but still.  Since I like to leave comments specifically related to their post and I try to pay attention to details, that is a lot of reading on one week for posts!    
Still, need to find a better, more healthy balance there and not sure how to do it.  Reading was so-so this week but I did read a few manga that I didn't expect to get into but distractions happen...  But I did get my library re-organized, picked up, pulled out books to get rid of, found new homes, got some bookends and completely re-organized my library room.  That was HUGE to get down.  So now I hope to more easily focus on other areas. 
Red=Past Due by this date
Blue=What I have done since late week
Black=Not Due or New.


Blogging or Book related (not reading)
  • Write/post 11reviews  (1 down)
  • 7 Discussion/other Post (meme styles don't count)
  • Finish getting Archive, Genres And Guest Interview pages up to date
  • Catalog 944 books I own
  • Catch up on comment responses for 2016
  • Responding to all comments made prior to 2016
  • clean up social media and other blogging follows and likes so I actually find the content for those I really have an true, regular interest in.
    1. Twitter
    2. Facebook
    3. Pinterest
    4. GFC
    5. Bloglovin
  • Shelf/organize books in library room
  • Make/find 4 sets of bookends
  • Organize Goodreads shelfs for TBR, owned books and kindle books
  • Organize Manga bookcases
  • 2 reviews
  • 1 discussion/other post
  • Catalog 100 books
    Go through Netgalley/Edelweiss for new titles

  • Read Sierra Jensen series Bks 6-12
  • Read Ashley Bell
  • Read Rebel Nation
  • Finish Ready Player One
  • Finish The 5th Wave
  • Finish Golden Son
  • Read Eldest
  • Finish The Gateway through which they came
  • Finish Black
  • Finish Steampunk
  • Finish Inkdeath
  • Finish Gameboard of the Gods
  • Restart Nameless
  • Finish Lost Tribe of the Sith collection
  • Finish Jesus the One and Only study
  • Finish Dungeons and Dreamers
  • Re-(Skim) Read Viral Nation
  • Read Xisle (progress)
  • Re-read The Heir
  • Re-read the Walking Dead Compendium 1
  • Start Pride and Prejudice
  • Read By fire, by moonlight
  • Start Daylighters
  • Read Mindwar
  • Read Six Points of Light (progress)
  • Re-read Splintered
  • Read Little Women

Monday, March 21, 2016

Mini Review: The One by Kiera Cass

The One (The Selection, #3) 
The Selection: THE ONE (3)
by Kiera Cass

Genre(s): Young Adult, Romance, Dystopian
Pages: 323
Published: May 2014
Publisher: HarperTeen

Synopsis:  "The highly anticipated conclusion to Kiera Cass's #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series, The One will captivate readers who love dystopian YA fiction and fairy tales. The One is the perfect finale for fans who have followed America's whirlwind romance since it began--and a swoon-worthy read for teens who have devoured Veronica Roth's Divergent, Ally Condie's Matched, or Lauren Oliver's Delirium
The Selection changed America Singer's life in ways she never could have imagined. Since she entered the competition to become the next princess of Illéa, America has struggled with her feelings for her first love, Aspen--and her growing attraction to Prince Maxon. Now she's made her choice . . . and she's prepared to fight for the future she wants.

Find out who America will choose in The One, the enchanting, beautifully romantic third book in the Selection series!"

Review:  The Selection is heating up in unexpected ways. Not only is there the Aspen vs Maxon decision, the other girls are stepping up their game to win Prince Maxon's affections! Toss in rebel revelations and threats and it is an exciting read!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Stacking the Shelves 101

 Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews, every Weekend. This is to share books I have acquired from various sources. Physical books & ebooks both are welcome. If its something being sent to me by mail, I will not mention it until I actually receive it. 

It has been a month since my last update, so I have a lot to share.  But I have been somewhat behaved.  At least on novels.  But still got several graphic novels.  Luckily those are fast to read so I can get through them all quickly.  
I also got several free ebooks but didn't get the chance to add those.  I might share them next time.  Plus some gifts, a prize books and some used bookstore/thiftstore grabs.  You can see the pics on instagram but I don't have a way to properly upload them right now.  Sorry, my PC is on the fritz so I am borrowing another to get this up at all.  Sorry for not getting everything up, but borrowing a computer limits my time I can put towards blogging or other internet activities.
For Review

 The ChangelingsSkeletons in the ClosetThe Park (Evenstad Media Presents, #1)The Unusual Possession of Alastair Stubb The Twisted Souls Series (Box Set: The Soul Ripper, Twisted Souls, Soul Cycle, A Soul to Settle)Storm Siren (Storm Siren, #1)Stalked by Flames (Dragon's Breath, #1)The Devil's Serenade

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Task it Tuesday -Week 11 of 2016

 Task it Tuesday 

Well this week hit me with some bad new.  My computer is dying.  So I will be needing a new computer very soon.  So many things have been put aside as my focus shifted to cleaning up files, deleting what I do not need, and making backups.  Fun stuff-NOT! 
On top of that my dog has hurt his leg so helping him has consumed extra time.  Overall, not a fun past week.  So not adding too much to the list this time.  Still catching up...
*New tasks added at the bottom of each category.

Blogging or Book related (not reading)
  • Write/post 10 reviews (1 down)
  • 6 Discussion/other Post (meme styles don't count)
  • Finish getting Archive, Genres And Guest Interview pages up to date
  • Catalog 694 books I own
  • Catch up on comment responses for 2016
  • Responding to all comments made prior to 2016
  • clean up social media and other blogging follows and likes so I actually find the content for those I really have an true, regular interest in.
    1. Twitter
    2. Facebook
    3. Pinterest
    4. GFC
    5. Bloglovin
  • Catalog 150 more books
  • Make TBR Jar
  • Shelf/organize books in library room
  • Make/find 4 sets of bookends 
  • Catalog 100 more books 
  • 2 reviews
  • 1 discussion/other post
  • STS update

  • Read Sierra Jensen series Bks 6-12 (Bk 6 done)
  • Read 6 manga/comics
  • Read Ashley Bell
  • Read Rebel Nation
  • Finish Ready Player One
  • Finish The 5th Wave
  • Finish Golden Son
  • Read 3rd book of Troubled Times series
  • Read Eldest
  • Finish The Gateway through which they came
  • Finish Black
  • Finish Steampunk
  • Finish Inkdeath
  • Finish Gameboard of the Gods
  • Restart Nameless
  • Finish Lost Tribe of the Sith collection
  • Finish Jesus the One and Only study
  • Finish Dungeons and Dreamers
  • Re-(Skim) Read Viral Nation
  • Read Xisle (progress)
  • Re-read The Heir (progress)
  • Re-read the Walking Dead Compendium 1
  • Start Pride and Prejudice
  • Read By fire, by moonlight
  • Start Daylighters
  • Read Silver Shadows
  • Read Curio
  • Read Mindwar
  • Read Six Points of Light 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- My most anticipated TBR reads Spring 2016

My top ten books I want to read this Spring.  A few for fun and a few are past due reviews.  A mix of new and old titles which is hopefully a good blend.
The Crown (The Selection, #5)The Winner's Kiss (The Winner's Trilogy, #3)Yellow Brick War (Dorothy Must Die, #3)Emma's Secret (Finding Emma, #2)

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Review: Curio by Evangeline Denmark

Curio (Curio #1) 
Curio (1)
by Evangeline Denmark
Genre(s) Steampunk, Fantasy
Pages: 432
Published: Jan 2016
Publisher: Blink
Official Synopsis:  "Grey Haward has always detested the Chemists, the magicians-come-scientists who rule her small western town. But she has always followed the rules, taking the potion the Chemists ration out that helps the town’s people survive. A potion that Grey suspects she—like her grandfather and father—may not actually need.

By working at her grandfather’s repair shop, sorting the small gears and dusting the curio cabinet inside, Grey has tried to stay unnoticed—or as unnoticed as a tall, strong girl can in a town of diminutive, underdeveloped citizens. Then her best friend, Whit, is caught by the Chemists’ enforcers after trying to protect Grey one night, and after seeing the extent of his punishment, suddenly taking risks seems the only decision she can make.

But with the risk comes the reality that the Chemists know her family’s secret, and the Chemists soon decide to use her for their own purposes. Panicked, Grey retreats to the only safe place she knows—her grandfather’s shop. There, however, a larger secret confronts her when her touch unlocks the old curio cabinet in the corner and reveals a world where porcelain and clockwork people are real. There, she could find the key that may save Whit’s life and also end the Chemists’ dark rule forever."

Review:  While I liked certain concepts of this book, overall I was just way too confused. There is no real world-building. It just tosses us into this strange world, quite different I must admit, and expects us to keep up! I had no idea what a lot of things refeered to or why the world was the way it was or what was really going on very well. This left me a bit vexed and almost constantly questioning what was going on. This might have made sense if it was a second o third book of a series and the author had jumped in, expecting the reader to have read the first book. But no, this IS the first book.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Task it Tuesday -Week 10 of 2016

 Task it Tuesday 

Bit of a slow week but it was a good one.   Got to spend some time with family I rarely get to see so that was my focus.  Well worth the hold in other areas.  But now I am in some major task mode and I think a lot will be getting done this week.  So I am keeping this brief so I can get to it!

Blogging or Book related (not reading)
  • Write/post 5 reviews (1 down)
  • 3 Discussion/other Post (meme styles don't count)  (1 DOWN)
  • Finish getting Archive, Genres And Guest Interview pages up to date
  • Catalog 694 books I own
  • Catch up on comment responses for 2016
  • Write any 7 posts (reviews, discussions, thoughts, other...non memes/giveaways!) (will be re-dividing this into reviews/discussions for next time)
  • Responding to all comments made prior to 2016
  • clean up social media and other blogging follows and likes so I actually find the content for those I really have an true, regular interest in.
    1. Twitter
    2. Facebook
    3. Pinterest
    4. GFC
    5. Bloglovin

  • Catalog 150 more books
  • Make TBR Jar
  • Shelf/organize books in library room
  • Make/find 4 sets of bookends
  • Write 2 review posts
  • Write 1 discussion/other post

  • Read Sierra Jensen series Bks 5-12 (read Bk 5)
  • Read 3 manga/comics
  • Read Ashley Bell
  • Read Rebel Nation
  • Finish Ready Player One
  • Finish The 5th Wave
  • Finish Golden Son
  • Read 3rd book of Troubled Times series (progress)
  • Read Eldest
  • Finish The Gateway through which they came
  • Finish Black
  • Finish Steampunk
  • Finish re-reading Losing It
  • Finish Inkdeath
  • Finish Gameboard of the Gods
  • Restart Nameless
  • Finish Lost Tribe of the Sith collection
  • Finish Jesus the One and Only study
  • Finish Dungeons and Dreamers
  • Re-(Skim) Read Viral Nation
  • Read Xisle(progress)
  • Re-read The Heir (progress)
  • Re-read the Walking Dead Compendium 1
  • Start Pride and Prejudice
  • Read By fire, by moonlight
  • Start Daylighters
  • Read Silver Shadows

Monday, March 7, 2016

REVIEW: The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

The Naturals (The Naturals, #1)  
The Naturals (1) 
by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Genre(s): Mystery, Young Adult
Pages: 308
Published: Nov 2013
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

Synopsis:  "Seventeen-year-old Cassie is a natural at reading people. Piecing together the tiniest details, she can tell you who you are and what you want. But it’s not a skill that she’s ever taken seriously. That is, until the FBI come knocking: they’ve begun a classified program that uses exceptional teenagers to crack infamous cold cases, and they need Cassie.

What Cassie doesn’t realize is that there’s more at risk than a few unsolved homicides—especially when she’s sent to live with a group of teens whose gifts are as unusual as her own. Sarcastic, privileged Michael has a knack for reading emotions, which he uses to get inside Cassie’s head—and under her skin. Brooding Dean shares Cassie’s gift for profiling, but keeps her at arm’s length.

Soon, it becomes clear that no one in the Naturals program is what they seem. And when a new killer strikes, danger looms closer than Cassie could ever have imagined. Caught in a lethal game of cat and mouse with a killer, the Naturals are going to have to use all of their gifts just to survive."

Review:  If you like the shows like Criminal Minds, Homeland, CSI or Coldcase and want to mix it up with some teen drama, you will probably enjoy this book. Cassie is very good at reading people. She can tell you a bit about ones tastes, lifestyle, etc just by looking at you. When given the chance to prove herself working with the FBI, she jumps at the chance. But for her, it is also to try to catch her mother's killer.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Organizing one's out of control bookish reality

      I have some problems.  Bookish problems.  I have way too many!  I have a personal library of books that has every shelf full.  A few bookcases packed and even double-stacked!  A kindle with over 1000 eBooks.  And I don't want to even look at my Arc stacks/list again!  Everything is out of control! I have books in stacks, and even a few boxes full.  Books I meant to read years ago that are collecting dust!    I have tried buying bans, stopped logging onto Netgalley and even cut way back on library usage.  That just sent me into some nasty depressions.  I love my book collections!  I think at times the collection and ability to admire them has some enjoyable merit in itself.  Books are my splurge.  Who care about clothes,  going out to eat, etc.  I like to read and adding a new books to my shelves also brings lots of joy.

      But right now, it is a two-edged sword.  With personal pressure to start reading them or paring down on the books.  I tried the latter.  Failed miserably.  Once I have read a book, unless I loved it or it is part of a series I can part with if fine.  But to look at a book I want to read someday...Nope.  Can't do it.  That ended up with me re-buying a lot of books.  Waste of money (happy authors though-lol).

Friday, March 4, 2016

Lucky is Reading Giveaway Hop-2016. Open INT


Do you feel lucky?  If so you should enter this giveaway!  ONE lucky winner is going to win a $10 Amazon Gift card OR a book of their choice from the book depository.  Have you ever chanced upon a book that you felt lucky to read?  Here are a few that I have experienced that with: 

I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, #1)The Selection (The Selection, #1)Plague of the Dead (The Morningstar Strain, #1)The Testing (The Testing, #1) 

This is your chance! Giveaway is open INT

Be sure to read my rules page for giveaway details!!!  Be sure answer all parts of the comment for your first entry to count!  For comments- be sure they are meaningful, & engaging! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


First off, I want to apologize for the lack of posts, reviews, etc.  I still have many planned out but not written up.  All February I was very sick so little got done, I lost a lot of work hours, the house became a total mess, etc.  Right now I need to focus on getting real life things caught up so for another week or so, the blog is going to be quite.  One I get things in order more I will be back and promise to dedicate some extra, overdue time to getting some new posts.  I got a giveaway going on right now with a couple more coming up within the next week so be sure to check those out until I have to chance to return.  Hopefully in a few days to end of next week tops before I am back to sharing and talking books! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Task it Tuesday-Week 9 of 2016

 Task it Tuesday 
I did very little reading or blogging this past week.    I had Zero interest or motivation for the first few days of the past week, then life got busy.   DMV, Recall notices and almost 2 days of no internet threw things off as well.  
This week I fear things will seem slow again, but that is because I am visiting family for a while!  Very excited but I won't be online much during that time.  So I will not be adding many goals this next week. Instead, goign to focus more on getting caught up to where I had hoped to be by the end of February. 

  • Write/post 5 reviews
  • 3 Discussion/other Post (meme styles don't count)
  • Finish getting Archive, Genres And Guest Interview pages up to date
  • Catalog 694 books I own
  • Catch up on comment responses for 2016
  • Write any 5 posts (reviews, discussions, thoughts, other...non memes/giveaways!)
  • Responding to all comments made prior to 2016
  • Go through Edelweiss and Netgalley for new titles I can't live without (but stay smart about requests!)
  • clean up social media and other blogging follows and likes so I actually find the content for those I really have an true, regular interest in.
    1. Twitter
    2. Facebook  (progress)
    3. Pinterest
    4. GFC
    5. Bloglovin 

    • 2 New posts (non-giveaway/meme)


    • Read Eragon
    • Read Sierra Jensen series Bks 5-12
    • Read 6 manga/comics (read 3)
    • Read Ashley Bell
    • Read Rebel Nation
    • Finish Ready Player One
    • Finish The 5th Wave
    • Finish Golden Son
    • Read 3rd book of Troubled Times series
    • Read Eldest
    • Finish The Gateway through which they came (progress)
    • Finish Black
    • Finish Steampunk
    • Finish re-reading Losing It (progress)
    • Finish Inkdeath
    • Finish Gameboard of the Gods
    • Restart Nameless
    • Finish Lost Tribe of the Sith collection
    • Finish Jesus the One and Only study
    • Finish Dungeons and Dreamers