Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Review Burnout and slumps

Review Burnout and slumps
For the past couple months I have been struggling to get out reviews.  Not due to lack of reading, but that I have not been interested in writing the reviews.  Actually discussing books, yes.  I still chat on goodreads.  But whenever I try to write a review, I come up blank.  Or it is short and has no details or personality.  Then I scratch it, start over and is too rambling and has spoilers.  So I delete that too, then I just stare at the screen blank once more.  Then I realize I am getting nowhere and decide to go do something else.  Or I just don't feel like it.  Almost like it has become a highly unwanted chore or hassle but not quite.  More like the blahs when I think about getting to it.
Thing is, I normally love writing reviews.  I especially love talking ans sharing about books.  SO what is wrong with me?
Have you ever had times like these?  How do you pull yourself out?


  1. I'm so sorry you had to feel that way! I've had times like that too.
    I took a break from reviewing and (sometimes) reading. I did activities that doesn't involve books -- went to the mall, played computer games -- which is pretty hard because there wasn't a time I did not read. Then, when I felt better I started reviewing books again. :)

    Denise @ I am Shelfless

  2. I have definitely felt like this too, in fact I always find reviews hard to write. I generally have a clear idea of my feelings on a book, but find it incredibly hard to put it into words, which is why for a book blogger, I really don't do that many reviews (I tend to do one to every two other posts).
    I hope your review burnout gets better soon!

  3. I'm not great at getting reviews done. Each one seems to take forever as I constantly change and rewrite things. I have notes for 90 book reviews that need writing from the last 2 years plus there are a pile of books I read in 2010/2011 that I never even wrote notes for. I'm trying to catch up but it;s taking ages!

  4. I think we all go through a funk eventually just take the time you need and maybe it will come back to you after a break =D

  5. I know exactly how you feel. I think we all go through a bit of writer's block from time to time. I don't keep a blog, so I just put the stars and maybe a few brief overall comments if I feel like it, so if I want to come back to it and add details I can. I hope you overcome this problem soon!

  6. Sometimes I feel like this with certain reviews, but I haven't felt that way for an extended period of time. This is one of the reasons that I use bullet points for my positives and negatives - it gives me something to focus on at least. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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