Well, our bathroom renovation is being a bit more of a pain than expected. From the wrong color showing up, to the floor not being level. So not only is it taking a bit longer but it is also costing more than we though. Ugh. On the plus, we are almost done with the basics. we just need to replacing the walls, repaint, trim and clean the bathroom!
On my downtime, I have mainly been catching up on a few TV shows and getting some Goodreads shelves organized. I got all my TBR jars done as well So couple good tasks done. This week is all about some gaming, reading and getting my Goodreads shelves more organized so I can switch major book listing! My blog got a bit more attention but The listing is a higher priority right now.
Understanding the color code used:
Red=Past Due by this date
Blue=What I have done since late week
Black=Not Due or New
*Fun Will never be red & new additions will be added in green.
*Fun Will never be red & new additions will be added in green.
Blogging or Book related (not reading)
- Write/post 13 reviews
(2 down)
- 8 Discussion/other Post (meme styles don't count)
(2 Down)
- Finish getting Archive, Genres And Guest Interview pages up
to date
- Catalog 1144 books I own
(got 19 done)
- Catch up on comment responses for 2016 (progress)
- Responding to all comments made prior to 2016
- clean up social media and other blogging follows and likes so
I actually find the content for those I really have an true, regular
interest in.
- Bloglovin
- Organize Goodreads shelfs for TBR, owned books and kindle
- Organize Manga bookcases
- Go through Netgalley new titles I REALLY want to read ASAP
- STS post
- Update all challenges. Submit as needed.
- Go back and add links to all edelweiss reviews.
- Write/post 3 reviews
- 1 discussion/other post
- catalog 250 additional books
- Start a preliminary list of Dewey's readathon possible books to read
- Read Sierra Jensen series Bks 7-12
(Finished book 7)
- Read Ashley Bell
- Read Rebel Nation
- Finish Ready Player One
- Finish The 5th Wave
- Finish Golden Son
- Read Eldest (progress)
- Finish The Gateway through which they came
- Finish Black
- Finish Steampunk
- Finish Inkdeath
- Finish Gameboard of the Gods
- Restart Nameless
- Finish Lost Tribe of the Sith collection
- Finish Jesus the One and Only study
- Finish Dungeons and Dreamers
- Re-(Skim) Read Viral Nation
- Re-read the Walking Dead Compendium 1
- Read Pride and Prejudice
- Read By fire, by moonlight
- Read Daylighters
Read Six Points of Light
- Re-read Splintered
- Read Little Women
- Read Black Moon
- Read Submissive Fairy Tales
- Re-Read Magic Kingdom For Sale-Sold!
- Re-Read The Book of Three
Read Goodnight PunPun Omnibus 1
- Read My Heavenly Hockey Club Vol 1
- Finish The Fault in Our Stars (was previously just to start it) (progress)
- Finish The Walled City (was previously just to start it) (progress)
- Read Assassination Classroom 9 & 10
- Read Grimm Fairy Tales graphic novel
- Read The BFG
- Read Hostage Run
- Read Queen
- Start Pure
Real Life
- All console video games
- All dvds
Add shows to Tvshowtime app
- Go through all vhs tapes (I still have over 500!) and get rid of those I do not LOVE or cannot replace--make a list of those I want for dvd.
- Clean all other blinds/windows in the house!
- Clean car-inside and out
- Thoroughly clean laundry, washer/dryer machines and surrounding area to have proper laundry station in basement (our washing area is in an unfinished basement so it gets messy with dust/dirt fast!)
- Replace any light bulbs, fire alarm batteries, etc as needed
in the house
Make Video Game JarMake tv show Jar
- Sort/organize PC games (downloads and discs) and list them.
- Go through online bookmarks/favorites. Categorize and clean up.
- Go through items in the loft. Find homes or get rid of items as needed/possible.
- Buy and install new bath/shower unit. (2 week project)
- Trim Grass around trees and fence edges (2 week project as it is a 1/2 acre lot)
- Weed out flower bed
- Re-wall, paint, trim and generally put bathroom back together and thoroughly clean and orgnize if for a fresh look!
Just for fun --Not expected by next week-but will simply be done when they are done but I do want to make progress each week. While there are many things I could add here I will simple stick to my focal points for the following week.
- Play/Finish Kingdom Hearts (if it doesn't glitch on me at the
end like it did years ago)
Finish watching Death Note anime
- Watch Princess Tutu anime
- Watch finish 1 other anime series (or season if long)-Chosen- Soul Eater
Catch up on The Walking Dead episodes- Catch up on Supernatural Episodes
- Find and start a new Korean drama (these are so addictive) by
at least 2 episodes.
- Play Bloodrayne
- Catch up on Game of Thrones episodes (Progress, done with season 4 now)
- Check out Disney Kinect Adventures(started)
- Catch up on Once Upon a Time Episodes
- Catch up on Bones episodes
- Check out Thrillville game
Watch 2 Movies I have never seen
You are doing really good! Enjoy your gaming this week, I plan to play a little minecraft to wind down this week and also need to catch up on Once Upon a time and Game of Thrones from last year.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!