Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Organizing Our Virtual Shelves

How Do you organize your virtual shelves?  Especially your Kindle, nook, tablet, iphone, etc.  
Right now I feel up against a wall I have over 2000 books on my kindle plus another 100+ ibooks.  My kindle Fire offers 'collections' where I started placing books by genre, plus I have a collection on for review titles, books I got while there were free, etc.  But accessing ro sorting it has not had an easy project.  Then there are my ibooks.  I have figured out no way to organize those.  

I also like to keep all my books I own listed on goodreads and itrackmine.  Goodreads I have lists stating 'Books I own' and 'Kindle books I own'  then once I have read the book I place then under the genre (up to three) I feel it best belongs to, much like I do on this blog.  

So what do you do, if anything?  Di you have a system?  How much work did it take to implement?


  1. I noticed that my Kobo has various options for storing books in an order but I haven't done anything about it. Most of my book reads are urban fantasy or horror so I don't feel the urge to start organising them. Actually at the moment, I don't have time for things like that!

  2. sounds helpful to have collections; don't really keep track

  3. Goodreads organizes most of my books, but not all of the books I've one-clicked over the years. So I don't even know most of the books I own. *hangs head* They are mostly out there in virtual space with very few residing in my current reader.

  4. I do try to put the books in a "Own-Kindle" folder, but that's the most organization I've managed. Anything more than that feels too overwhelming!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  5. That is a big book collection! I wish I read as much as you do. I like to keep them on my iPhone so I can read while I travel and not have to pack books.

  6. I just started re-doing all my Goodreads shelves. It'll take a while, but I'm hoping it will help me get all these books more organized.
    On my Kindle app, I have shelves for some things like Netgalley and tours, but that's about it. My Nook library isn't organized at all.

  7. I don't have a system, does anyone?

  8. I haven't figured out how to organize- has anyone else?

  9. My kindle is a mess if you are on it, but I have a physical handwritten list where everything is organized. I used Goodreads for books I am going to review on my blog and Shelfari for all my books!

  10. I'm not very organized either. I mainly read on my iPad, so I have Kindle, Nook and the Marvin app. I mainly read from the Marvin app because it allows more customization, but I don't really organize a whole lot. It lets you organize based on Unread vs Read. That's about all I do... so it's similar to Goodreads. I have thought about organizing my Goodreads better, but I just haven't had the time.

    Shannon @ The Tale Temptress April Discussion


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