So I am going to participate in a 24 hour readathon this coming Saturday, March 3rd.
Usually I do a ton of prep on my TBR options and cleaning the house, etc. Well turns out I had some extra time off work this week so I am just gonna do this! I will be cleaning up the house over the next couple days then dealing with food and finalizing my TBR in the first couple days of March to go.
This readathon starts at 12:00 am (midnight) in YOUR timezone, and goes to 11:59. Read as much or as little as you want. You do not have to read all those hours. The only challenge is to read SOMETHING. Simple, right? SO who is with me?
Here is the original challenge video link to Zoe's Vlog on the readathon. Be sure to check it out.
My tentative TBR possibilities I have so far (fully subject to changes):

I will surely be adding more, depending what my mood is and what I have read between now and then.
I will be doing a starting post just before the readathon starts, then periodically updating it with my progress. Twitter will also have more frequent updates. I hope you can join for some reading fun this day. Even if you just have a free hour!