Now some of you may wonder why I am
posting about preparation now. The event is still over 2 weeks away! Well, to me, there is more to it.
First off, I am sharing this in the
hopes that maybe some of you will join my in the readathon. It is a
huge internet event with over 2000 participants! And this year is the events 10 year anniversary!! WOOHOO! All around the world,
at the same time, readers put aside the next 24 hours to reading. Can't
do that much time? Thats okay! Everything is your pace and pressure free (accept wanting you to join us). If you got even 30 minutes you can spare, join us! 4 hours is good, 10 is great and if you can do the whole 24-AMAZING!! The only objective is to have fun! Some don't even read,
they just cheer or host events! The only goals are ones you put on
yourself (if you even want to). Blogs, twitter,
facebook and goodreads are all very active with updates, fun challenges,
cheering and more!
So as you can tell I start prepping well in advance. Nothing here is a must. Just what I do and a few tips and tricks to make the readathon run smoothly. Now I treat this October day like a holiday.
1-1 weeks before the readathon: Firstly, SIGN UP on the main sight. Then:
-Already, I am starting some book stacks of books I might want to read. I collect a huge and wide variety that will likely reach 4-5 stacks at first. I scour my shelves, visit the library, etc. As the readathon creeps closer I will start eliminating books that I will not get to for sure (more on this later). I check out other's stacks, or past readathon stacks, etc for ideas and inspiration.
-Clean the house & wrap up projects. My mind is easily distracted so I want as many possible distractions as possible out of the way. Dirty dishes/laundry, fix-it piles etc can easily pull me away from a book to work on them. The more up on things I am, the better. The easy stuff that easily repeats itself (dishes, etc) I just keep up with but dusting, organizing, etc I do asap this month.
-Make a snack/meal idea list. I make a long list of ideas that sound good, then work on eliminating ideas to a realistic level of munchies and easy to eat foods. I always make food before the event for easy eating. Also, keep in mind foods that need 2 hands (cutting meats, etc) or are messy, sticky (such as Cheetos) and it helps with this elimination. I get ideas that are healthy, salty, sugary, filling, and energizing for good variety.