Monday, July 18, 2016

On Hiatus

This blog is on hiatus.  I do not know how long or if it is permanent.  Various things have contributed to this.  But mainly that I am overwhelmed and short on time.  I have been dragging this blog through the mud basically for the past year, not able to devout the time is needs and deserves.  It was taking 20+ hours a week just to promote, fix/edit posts errors and coding, write posts/reviews, comment, etc.  My reading has been cut in half!  My family and friends have suffered as well, spending less time with me.  It isn't fair to them.  Plus I am enjoying reading less than I used to.  Books have sat unread on my shelf for years due to trying (and failing) to keep up with review books and newer titles.  And it seemed I was still always behind which just stressed me out.

I will still be around the community, on twitter, and especially goodreads.  I will be visiting other blogs more and still be a part of the community.  But for right now I just do not have the time, energy or drive to keep up posts here right now.  I have more fun just chatting about the books versus formal reviews and having to post oh so often to keep a flow of traffic.  I rarely have been visiting other blogs and commenting and I hate that and want to get back into it again.

If things in life settle down or I miss blogging too much I will come back and in the meanwhile lets keep in touch via social media.

 To authors and publishers who I have yet to read and review your book, I still do short reviews on Goodreads and reviews will still go up on Amazon, but I cannot promise how quickly as I  am adjusting and re-balancing my reading habits to include unfinished series, older titles, books that have been neglected on my shelves for too long etc. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Task It Tuesday- A Push on Digital Organization

Task it Tuesday

A new month and a fresh chance!  I didn't get as much done on this task list as I would have liked last month but I got quite a bit done nonetheless.  I hope to try and do a bit better this month though.

Blogging or Book related

  1.  Write& post 10 reviews.  Due July 26th 
  2.  Finish getting Archive, Genres and Guest Interview pages up to date Due July 12th
  3. Catalog All my physical books.    Due End of August
  4.  Respond to all Blog Comments for 2016 Due July 26th
  5. Responding to all comments made prior to 2016 Due July 26th 
  6. Write 3 discussion or topic based posts Due July 26th 
  7. Sort and Organize my Goodreads shelves  Due End of August
  8.  Organize Manga bookcases Due July 12th
  9.  Go back and add links to all edelweiss reviews. Due July 19th
  10. Participate in at least 2 Top Ten Tuesdays Due July 26th DID ONE!
  11.  Clean up Twitter Accounts I follow Due July 26th
  12. Clean if Facebook pages I follow Due July 26th
  13. Clean up GFC blogs I follow Due Mid August
  14. Clean up Bloglovin Accounts I follow Due Mid August
  15.  Go through and properly tag all posts Due Mid August
  16.  Get review posts on Pinterest Due July 19th
  17. Check out Edelweiss and Netgalley for new titles I must request Due July 12th 
  18. Organize Phyical Bookcases  Due End of August 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday- Ten Books I Have Enjoyed That Have Under 2000 Ratings On Goodreads

Ten Books I Have Enjoyed That Have Under 2000 Ratings On Goodreads
Please note that these are mode based and are ones that are currently calling out to me saying they deserve recognition.  It was a tough call with many eliminations.   To keep is simple, I stuck to middle grade, YA or adult novels only.  No graphic novels, young kids books, nonfiction included.  Also I made the rule that books have to be first in a series to make it here.  
 Six Points of Light: Hook's OriginScrap CityWater's Edge (Troubled Times #1)Shawndirea: Chronicles of Aetheaon: Book OneWorld of Ash (Ash and Ruin #1)The Face of Apollo (Book of the Gods, #1)